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Tommaso Favino Literary Competition 2023

Call for submissions

The Dante Alighieri Society Sydney is delighted to launch the Tommaso Favino Literary Competition 2023 on the theme?

Il viaggio: cos’é per te

Participants will have to produce either an essay, or a poem, or a piece of creative work (fiction) or a video around this theme.

Trajectories for your work may include:

The theme of travel has always been at the centre of world literature. Saint Augustine wrote: “The world is a book, and those who don't travel read only one page".

In the first century B.C. the belief circulated that: "The wisest heroes were those who visited many places and roamed the world."

The Odyssey summarizes the concrete and symbolic meanings related to the theme of travel.

In the Divine Comedy Ulysses, according to Dante, travelled to follow «virtude and knowledge».

For Leopardi, travel is a "reckless enterprise to conquer the unknown".

For 'authentic travellers' travel is the joy of knowledge, the discovery of unexplored cultures, the experience of unrepeatable emotions, the possibility of savoring the richness of different lives and peoples.

For many, travel represents greater self-knowledge.

And for you, what does travel represent?

The competition is open to students of Italian language currently enrolled in a school, a university or in a community language school or in a cultural institution in the Sydney area.

Terms and Conditions

1. Works shall be submitted in Italian.

2. Works shall be unpublished, typed for a maximum 1,000 words or less. They shall be typed double- spaced with a font size not smaller than 12.

3. Each participant can present only one work.

4. Entries shall be sent in doc or pdf format to the following email address: Name, surname, contact details of the author, and name of the institution where the author is studying Italian must be indicated in the body of the email (not in the attachment).

5. Closing date for all entries is 30th November 2023 at 5 pm.

6. A qualified jury will choose the winners. The jury's decision is undisputable.

Prizes will include the following:

- 1 st Prize: 500 $ and certificate of award.

- 2 nd Prize: 300 $ and certificate of award.

- 3 rd Prize: 200 $ and certificate of award.

- Notable Mentions. The judging panel may award notable Mentions. The winners of notable mentions will receive a certificate of award.

The winners will receive written communication prior to the awarding ceremony.

Buon lavoro and the best of luck. In bocca al lupo a tutte e a tutti!

The Dante Alighieri Society Committee

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